
Cadmium Sulph

The salient features of Cadmium Sulph are anguish and restlessness.  In this way it resembles Arsenic, but an Arsenic patient has one typical feature opposite to Cadmium Sulph. An Arsenic patient cannot tolerate any irregularity in his day-to-day life. He keeps everything in its proper order and is not afraid of hard work, while the patient of Cadmium Sulph is lazy, like a Sulphur patient, and his things are in great disarray. Cadmium Sulph acts on the stomach like Arsenic. There is irritation inside the stomach that sometimes may not even let the patient sleep.  Cadmium Sulph is a good treatment for this condition.

 Another distinguishing feature is that the Arsenic patient keeps on turning sides and cannot lie in one position for long, while the Cadmium patient feels pain on movement. Even if he is restless, his tiredness and laziness are more pronounced. He does not like to move at all. His expression of restlessness is merely verbal. In Cadmium Sulph, like Zinc, there is cramping of the muscles. The Zinc patient keeps on moving the affected part of body, placing his one foot on the other, or keeps on shaking his legs. Unlike Zinc, the Cadmium Sulph patient feels restlessness all over, yet does not make any movement at all.  Cadmium Sulph is useful in the diseases of the eye. It is very useful for swollen eyelids, pain in the eye, as well as sores and ulcers of the eye. It is also useful in the treatment of drooping eyelids (ptosis). It is useful for invigorating the nerve fibres of the eye, in addition to working on external eye conditions. Cadmium Sulph is mostly indicated in the treatment of diseases affecting one side. I have mostly found it useful in the treatment of strokes affecting the left side of the body. The paralysis affects one eye or one side of the body. If apoplexy leaves behind the weakness of one arm or one leg, Phosphorus may also be beneficial.

In the Cadmium Sulph patient, numbness of the skin is well known but it should not be overlooked that, before the actual numbness sets in the skin has been oversensitive for some time. Over the affected parts of the body, there is aching and a feeling of pins and needles.  Some parts of the body become numb, such as the nose or ears only.  One big problem is that swallowing becomes weak and swallowing food becomes difficult. Many a time, swallowing becomes weak, as the person ages, and the food may choke the air passage, which proves very dangerous. In such patients, Cadmium Sulph is not only useful but it becomes absolutely necessary to administer. Some children may also exhibit similar symptoms.

Cadmium Sulph also works on the bones. When the cold in a Cadmium Sulph patient becomes chronic, the bones of the nose start decaying. Like Cadmium Sulph, this is also a symptom of Mercury.  In Cadmium Sulph, minute spots form on the skin as in goose skin.  These can be compared to the skin of a waterfowl, after its feathers have been plucked. In English, it is known as goose flesh. This is also present in Capsicum.

Cadmium Sulph is very useful for the proper functioning of the stomach. It proves very effective to treat the failing stomach, indigestion or rotting of the food inside the stomach, foul-smelling belches and severe nausea and vomiting. It is also useful in the treatment of cancer of the stomach. It does not cure but offers significant relief of the ailment. Cadmium Sulph restores the strength of a patient whose muscles start wasting, leading to progressive weakness.

In Cadmium Sulph, movement and sleep both aggravate the symptoms. Resting after taking food offers relief. The patient feels hungry constantly. The hunger remains strong even if the digestive system of the stomach has significantly failed. Cadmium Sulph has the capability of reviving a seriously sick patient who has strong appetite, throws up dark vomit and whose condition is so grave as if he is about to die. In such a grave situation, Cadmium Sulph rather than Carbo Veg will virtually revive the patient, unless destiny so prevails.