
Baryta Carb

 Some homoeopaths describe the nature of Baryta Carb in one word i.e. dwarfism. Not only is the stature of the person small but he may also be mentally retarded. Both physical and mental deficiencies go hand in hand. In my experience, Baryta Carb works very well even in just a physical short stature. It is not right to associate every case of physical dwarfism with mental deficiency. In my hand, by God’s grace, Baryta Carb has worked equally well in dwarfs of average intelligence and great thinkers alike. Combined use of Silicea 6X and Calcaria Flour 6X is the best prescription for increasing height.  Baryta Carb also works in dwarfs who are mentally deficient. It has also been found very effective in paralysis of long-standing, especially in the paralysis following typhoid and polio. Baryta Carb used alternatively with Sulphur or Rhus Tox has been found to produce wonderful results. However, so far, there is no known remedy for typhoid-stricken nervous system. The toxins produced in the typhoid kill the nerves and there is no cure for death. If the paralytic effects of typhoid/polio are on the muscles while the nerves are only partially afflicted, Homoeopathy can offer an effective treatment. Baryta Carb (in addition to the other known remedies) has been found significantly effective in the paralysis of the limbs following typhoid and polio.  The effect is more evident in polio than in typhoid. Baryta Carb may not offer cure, but the patient definitely feels much improved. The wasted legs start gaining mass and strength. The stiff paralysed hands start reverting towards normal use. However, every patient does not find that kind of improvement.

The children of the nature of Baryta Carb tend to be very shy. At school, they are typical backbenchers. They hide themselves on the sight of strangers. When associated with some physical weakness, such children should be treated with Baryta Carb. Baryta Carb and Calcaria Carb are both famous for the treatment of weak-legged children. The main difference is that in Calcaria Carb, the legs are not only weak but they also look weak due to the underdevelopment of the bones. The belly of such children bulges forward and the head is prominently big. In Baryta Carb, the legs of the child may apparently look normal but are weak. Their walking is delayed. The weakness of the legs and delayed walking is also found in Borax and Natrum Mur. In Natrum Mur, there is delay in both learning to walk and to talk. In case there is only a delay in learning to talk but not in walking, Kali Phos would be very useful. In my experience combination of Kali Phos 6X and Natrum Mur is the best remedy for the delayed onset of walking and talking in children.  Baryta Carb is very useful in the treatment of delayed onset of puberty in some girls. Baryta Carb mainly works on the glands, especially on the lymph glands in the upper part of the neck, which get chronically inflamed. With every episode of an illness, their swelling increases. Similarly, fatty lumps (lipomas) form on the body particularly at the back. (Multiple small nodules may also be found in conditions other than Baryta Carb). In Baryta Carb, once the glands become enlarged, they do not decrease in size nor does the potbelly become small, even if the rest of the body is visibly wasted.  In such a situation, Baryta Carb can safely be used repeatedly, in high potency.

Baryta Carb lowers the systolic blood pressure, though it does not affect the diastolic blood pressure. During the prolonged use of Baryta Carb, one should regularly check the blood pressure to ensure that the systolic blood pressure has not fallen too much. If so, Baryta Carb should be temporarily stopped and then restarted as necessary.  Baryta Carb is very important in the treatment of Cerebral Arteriosclerosis i.e. the thickening and narrowing of the arteries of the brain. Continued use of Crataegus by the patient also proves very beneficial. Remember that Arteriosclerosis is a very slowly progressive disease and so its treatment would also be slowly effective. Baryta Carb will have to be administered at least for a year or two to show its good effects. Thus, for most old folks, it is their best friend. In fact, Baryta Carb is mostly used in the two extreme ages i.e. the childhood and old age.

Many a time, diseases come and go but they may leave bad effects. Baryta Carb is very useful in alleviating these aftereffects. According to Dr. Kent, Baryta Carb is also very useful in malaria. I have no experience of that, though I have found it effective in treating the aftereffects of malaria.

Dr. Kent has written in his book that Baryta Carb is effective in fatty lumps, tumours and enlarged glands, Lupus and tuberculous abscesses. I personally have no such experience. I have used Baryta Carb in patients who had ugly bumps and lumps on their body to no avail, maybe their lumps were not of fatty nature. Baryta Carb does, however, specifically cure the tumours of fatty origin. I have also found Baryta Carb ineffective in the treatment of Lupus. Dr. Kent is of the opinion that when indicated, Baryta Carb must be used in all potencies. Some deep-seated illnesses do not respond to low potencies. Therefore, Baryta Carb must be used in increasing potencies of 1000, 10,000, 50,000 and CM with suitable intervals.  When Baryta Carb is found effective at the outset of the illness, it may well cure the condition for good.

The Baryta Carb patient has a constant fear of unknown dangers. On that basis, Baryta Carb is specifically helpful in alleviating certain kinds of hallucinations and delusions. Some patients feel as if their brain is also vibrating along with the movement of their head. This is a typical symptom of Baryta Carb. Epilepsy resulting from temporary blockage of circulation to the brain, as happens in Meningitis, can be cured by prolonged, regular use of Baryta Carb.  In case of bleeding, which is red in colour (from ruptured arteries), Baryta Carb may be used besides Phosphorus.  In certain eye ailments particular to Baryta Carb, the eyelids become swollen and stay swollen due to the retention of their internal secretions. The same kind of obstinate swelling also affects the lymph glands of the upper part of the neck i.e. they do not diminish in size.

Baryta Carb is also a treatment for falling hair, as well as the the

dryness and baldness of the scalp. Dryness of the skin and eczema is also found in other drugs. In Baryta Carb, the weakness of the hair may possibly be due to the accumulation of waste materials in the hair follicles (causing weakness of the hair). Baryta Carb is also useful in correcting failing eyesight. The long-term, regular use of Baryta Carb is not only safe but in fact may improve the eyesight of advancing age.

Sometimes, the eyesight becomes weak due to high cholesterol in the blood (causing arteriosclerosis of the artery to the eye). Combined use of Cholestrinum 30, Phytolacca 30 and Phosphorus 30 will benefit this
condition. Phosphorus 30, however, should not be used continuously over a long period for fear of increasing the thickness of the blood and its coagulability. Baryta Carb is also useful in corneal conditions, as well as the formation of sties. Baryta Carb is very useful in the treatment of swollen neck glands and possibly in mumps.

The paralysis of the tongue in old age is deeply related to Baryta

Carb. Baryta Carb must be used in older patients who are unable to bring out their sputum, once other medicines have proven ineffective.  Similarly, Senega and Ammonium Carb are also very useful in chronic lung problems of the aged.

Baryta Carb is also linked to earache. When the earache becomes chronic and the ears feel full and heavy, even if there is no associated nasal discharge, Baryta Carb will be very beneficial in relieving the congestion of the ears and the earache.

In Baryta Carb, the stools are like hard balls sticking together. As in Nux Vomica, the person does not feel fully relieved after passing stools. There is also aching of the abdomen.  Baryta Carb is also useful in treating sexual weakness in men as well as women. The potency should be gradually increased, since very high potency of Baryta Carb at the outset may in fact increase sexual weakness. Along with sexual weakness, the women may also be infertile. Their ovaries shrink in size (instead of getting bigger). In such a condition, Baryta Carb must be administered promptly to avert possible transformation into cancer.

In Baryta Carb, the paralysis of throat and legs is a very prominent feature. When the paralysis affects only one side of the body, the main remedies would be Sulphur, Causticum, Rhus Tox, Gelsemium, Lachesis or Cadmium Sulph as indicated by the symptoms. Baryta

Carb is extremely useful in paralysis of the lower half of the body.

Besides this, Cocculus is also very effective for the treatment of the paralysis of the lower part of the body, but in high potency.  A typically strange characteristic of the Baryta Carb cough is that when the patient lies prone on the stomach, the cough is suppressed.

Any change of side and posture will provoke coughing. In Baryta Carb, abundant warts form on the body. The feet are smelly and malodorous. Severe low-back pain may be the precursor of impending paralysis of the lower half of the body. Baryta Carb may prevent this. I know of a child whose legs were badly afflicted by polio and were badly bent. He was given Sulphur and Baryta Carb, which resulted in significant improvement. He walks around and leads a pretty independent life, though not completely cured. The doctors had told him that his weakness of the legs would worsen with age. Thus homoeopathic remedies may look simple and insignificant but show far-reaching profound affects, when used properly.