
Aurum Metallicum

Aurum Metallicum is mostly related to the mental aptitude of a person. Its illnesses are secondary to mental strains and stresses.  Repeated mental trauma leads to physical illnesses. The main characteristic of Aurum Metallicum is that the patient loses selfconfidence.  He constantly scolds himself and considers himself to be a totally useless person and a burden on society. He becomes suicidal and in fact attempts to commit suicide.

The Aurum Metallicum patient is apparently calm, quiet, depressed and withdrawn, but when provoked, may rather jump to kill somebody else (against his usual suicidal tendency). The constant self-denial, indifference to others and others mistreating him, all make him introverted. He may suddenly explode violently, often to harm himself. If bothered too much, he may prove extremely dangerous and avenge his anger on others. One should better avoid bothering the Aurum Metallicum patient or indulging him in argument. In the Aurum Metallicum patient, the madness is born out of prolonged emotional suppression. When the patient’s self-prestige is very low, hopelessness prevails around him and he considers himself to be a total failure. His mental anguish and emotional torment can drive him mad permanently. In the early stage, however, he can think and comprehend clearly.

In Aurum Metallicum, the main physical effect of the disease is on the liver and then on the heart also. The heart muscle becomes weak and the liver fails. The heart and lung ailments go hand in hand. There is inflammation of the inner lining of the heart, causing chest pain. The heart dilates leading to accumulation of water in the lungs.  Aches and pains like rheumatism are common. The joints are inflamed. The membranous covering of the bones are badly affected, resulting in the bones becoming weak and carious. The inner lacework of the bones trabeculae become rigid, though structurally weak (as in a Argentum Nitricum). There is a feeling of stabbing pain in the bones. The joints become stiff and difficult to move, like in a frozen shoulder. Many a time, the shoulder becomes stiff as a result of injury. Aurum Metallicum is the best remedy, provided the stiffness of the shoulder is due to rheumatism.

In Aurum Metallicum, the veins become dilated and the blood starts clotting within them. The arteries pulsate and feel warm. There are microscopic bleedings into the joints, causing them to hurt. Due to the ailments of the heart and the liver, there is swelling in some parts of the body and the glands all over the body enlarge. Swelling of the legs and ankles is very common in women. Their leg veins have remained congested because they have to carry heavy weight during pregnancy. In addition to Aurum Metallicum, other remedies can also work in such a condition, provided their particular symptoms are also present.
In Aurum Metallicum, there is severe headache and there is feeling of air rustling over the head. The face is swollen and shines due to the skin being taut and tense.

The hair on the scalp tends to fall leading to baldness (Acid Phos is

also very useful in falling hair). If a specific remedy is not known, then the general formula of Alopecia may be used, such as Bacilinium 200 + Natrum Mur 30 + Teucrium Marum 30 and Picric Acid 30, to significant effect. Alopecia is a form of localized baldness. I have found the above formula quite effective in general baldness also, especially when the face shows signs of ringworm infestation. If other constitutional symptoms are also present (in addition to baldness), then Graphites and Phosphorus may also be very effective. In case of syphilis baldness, the combination of Natrum Mur 200 and Bacilinium 200 has also been found to be effective. In the books, Aurum Metallicum has also been quoted to be effective in baldness, secondary to suppressed syphilis. To augment the useful affect of Aurum Metallicum, one should administer Syphlinum CM and repeat it after two months before resorting to Aurum Metallicum and follow with Natrum Mur and Bacilinium.

In Aurum Metallicum, the eyes are extremely sensitive to light.  Strong light of gas lamps is very troublesome. Flashing light perturbs the patient. The moonlight, however, is soothing to the eye, though this is not the leading feature of Aurum Metallicum.

The patient eludes the stars as falling downwards, while in

Calcaria the illusion is upwards. This sign is typical of Aurum Metallicum.
Sometimes, the eyes swell and protrude out. In allopathic medicine, the only treatment for this condition is surgery. Swollen protruding eyes may be due to diseases of the glands or some other chronic debilitating illness in which tuberculous matter is found. Aurum Metallicum has been found very useful in combating this condition irrespective of its cause. I have also found Natrum Mur and Bacilinium useful in this condition. If the pressure inside the eye is elevated, Belladonna and Arnica must also be used. The important point again is to keep in view the natural aptitude of the patient and find the appropriate match from the homoeopathic armamentarium. If the symptoms are mixed up, the above combination may be employed.  At least, I have found it very beneficial.

Aurum Metallicum is very useful against the deep wounds of the ears, in which the bony structure of the ear becomes rotten, resulting in discharge of extremely putrid material. The nasal cold of Aurum Metallicum patient is of chronic type. The cause is not the inflammation of the mucosal lining, but the involvement of the cartilaginous bones of the nose. The nasal catarrh of Natrum Mur is related to the inflammation of the lining of the nose and not the bones. Administration of Natrum Mur first aggravates the symptoms resulting in copious secretions, and then makes them disappear. In homoeopathic literature, Aurum has been mentioned in relation to the treatment of suppressed syphilis. Recent studies of AIDS patients in America have shown that severely sick patients of AIDS exhibited symptoms of syphilis also. This is attributed to have been acquired from their ancestors who had syphilis, were treated and apparently were cured.

One characteristic sign of Aurum Metallicum is the formation of spider webs on the nose and the tendency of the blood to clot in these little veins like varicose veins. The lips also look bluish.  In the Aurum patient, the liver becomes stone hard and nodules form.Aurum Metallicum is also useful in Inguinal Hernia, an inflamed hardened uterus associated with widely spaced, scanty menses. In Natrum Mur also, similar symptoms develop, with the difference that there is a lot of pain in the back and the condition is mostly prominent in unmarried girls. One dose of Natrum Mur may often provide cure.  In Aurum Metallicum, the associated ache is of a floating nature.  Most of the symptoms of Aurum resemble those of Argentum Metallicum. But there are certain differences. For example, in Argentum, the symptoms are relieved through rest and slow movement. In Aurum, the symptoms worsen on walking fast especially, which also raises the blood pressure and causes tightness of the chest and suffocation. In Argentum, the situation is just the opposite.