
Arsenicum Album

  Arsenic alb is a deadly poison. It is said that once it enters the body, it gets absorbed into the bones and hair permanently.  Restlessness and anxiety are the main feature. The restlessness is mental rather than physical as in Rhus Tox.  Fear of death with anxiety and restlessness. Some women become very anxious following emotional shock or septic fevers.  Tidiness - the Arsenic patient is tidily dressed. He keeps his room tidy and in order and soon gets upset if things are disturbed in his room.  Diarrhoea - stools are frequent, black and offensive. The patient is restless and can have convulsions, as toxins gets absorbed from the inflamed gut. Prompt treatment with Arsenic Alb will soon restore the inflamed bowel.

Thirsty - increased thirst for small and frequent drinks is due to anxiety. Anxiety causes dryness of mouth that leads to increased thirst. In chronic cases he becomes less thirsty despite having dryness of mouth, but anxiety persists. He tosses and turns in bed resembling Gelsemium. The main difference is that there is no restlessness in Gelsemium, while the arsenic patient is constantly restless in bed with increased frequency of urine. Anxiety and restlessness with throat or bladder illness indicates that the patient may be suffering from cancer.  Arsenic Alb will relieve the symptoms but one should treat the case constitutionally. Restlessness with anxiety can be helped by high potency of Arsenic Alb in cases of terminal cancer. Restlessness also acts as a stimulant for natural body defenses. I once gave it to a lady with a terminal illness, whose doctors had stopped administering her painkillers. It greatly helped and she was peaceful. Kidney diseases - Arsenic Alb is closely related to renal diseases. Its patient has albuminuria with inflamed kidneys. Anxiety and
restlessness can also result from mental overwork causing increased sensitivity of the kidneys. In cases of diseases of the bladder, prostate and kidneys, where Arsenic alone is indicated but does not help, the addition of Phosphorus will help when given separately. This combination of Arsenic and Phosphorus is also useful in the cancer of the prostate. In my experience this also helped in a case of terminal cancer with limited life expectancy - the patient was helped by the grace of God and lived peacefully for another year.  Chilliness – the Arsenic patient is very chilly and feels cold. The patient feels better for heat (feeling of heat) except for stomach ailments and headaches which is better for cold (feeling of cold).  Headache is better with the application of pressure.  Nausea and vomiting - Arsenic Alb patients can have severe nausea and vomiting.

Periodicity of symptoms - the relapse of symptoms at a particular time, such as in migraine, recurs every seven to fourteen days. The headache is better with cold applications. If acute headache is not treated properly in the Arsenic individual it can become chronic and move to the joints.

Aggravation after midnight - the symptoms are worse at night. The patient is afraid of being alone and is anxious. When the disease progresses the patient will not find any relief even in company.  Menorrhagia and menstrual problems - many a time uterine ailments can change into mental symptoms of anxiety and restlessness, with fear of death and depression. If menses are stopped suddenly with medicine and the mental symptoms appear this is not a good sign. The symptoms become chronic with offensive vaginal discharges with blood clots. The patients have mental symptoms of restlessness as well as general body pains. Arsenic will relieve all symptoms if indicated and gets rid of toxins from the body. In these cases Kali Iodide and Arsenic Iodide combined or given separately are also of benefit. In addition, Sulphur and Pyrogenium 200 given together is very effective in such cases. It will clear the infection and associated symptoms.

Arsenic and Secale Corn have many similarities. Secale is useful

for offensive and dark colored discharges The Secale patient feels hot while Arsenic Alb is chilly. Secale, even though he feels hot, feels better with external heat while the Arsenic Alb patient has offensive discharges, with fear of dying and increased thirst for small drinks.  Dry cough and asthma – the patients have nasal obstruction with itchy nose, sneezing, clear runny nose and swollen neck glands as in hay fever.

Arsenic* is useful in dry asthma and chronic cardiac asthma. In cardiac asthma the pulse is weak and rapid but palpable. In the Aconite and Belladonna patient, the pulse is palpable. In a Carbo Veg patient, the pulse is weak but not palpable. It disappears under the finger. Arsenic is helpful in other cardiac diseases. The patient gets breathless on climbing uphill and also when flying. Such cases will benefit from Arsenic given before, during and after the journey.  Gangerine and Arsenic Alb - Arsenic is a very useful remedy in gangerine. In gangerine the afflicted part gets ischemic and infected.  In my experience, Arsenic has proved life saving in many cases. In some cases where surgery seemed unavoidable the patient, by the grace of God, was completely cured with timely use of Arsenic Alb 200. In another case, a young man had his arm crushed in a machine, the wound became infected and amputation was advised. I treated him with Arsenic Alb in CM to be repeated weekly over a few weeks.  By the grace of God the arm of the patient soon started regaining normal color and the black colouration disappeared, thus surgery was avoided. If the case does not respond to Arsenic Alb one should try other remedies like Silicia or Sulphur in high potency before surgery, otherwise it is better to have surgery to save the patient’s life. In deep ischemic ulcers Kali Iodide and Arsenic Iodide can be helpful.  *Arsenic on its own always means Arsenic Album.

Arsenic Alb and eyes - the whole eye is inflamed. In Kali Carb the inflammation is confined to the upper eyelid, while in Apis it is the lower eyelid. Premature ageing - the patient can have symptoms of ageing in Arsenic, but it is more marked in Sarsaparilla and Chinumum Ars. Arsenic alb and depression - there is anxiety with depression. The patient has suicidal tendencies and thinks he is beyond redemption.  Malaria and Arsenic Alb - as in malaria periodicity is also found in Arsenic Alb, the relapse of symptoms every fourth, seventh or fourteenth day. Arsenic Alb given in high potency is also effective as a preventative in malaria. Arsenic should be given during remission of fever and not during the attack. Natrum Mur is also useful in malaria but one should avoid its use in rising fever. I have also found Arnica in high potency of great help in the treatment of malaria. Chinumum Ars is reported to be useful in malaria but this is not so in my experience. In fact, I have found that Arsenic Alb and Arnica are much better than Chinumum Ars. Bryonia and Rhus Tox is useful for general bodyache in the beginning of fevers generally.  The success of treatment in malaria is judged by the fact that the fever will not return or will be of less severity or if the fever relapse is early or delayed. These are good signs and indicate that the treatment is effective. Otherwise, one should change the treatment or start allopathoic treatment.

Retention of urine after labour - the best treatment is Causticum, but if it is ineffective Arsenic Alb can be useful.  Hoarseness – Arsenic Alb is beneficial when the throat is hoarse.  Also, if the patient has earache with offensive catarrh and burning in eyes and nose. Arsenic symptoms are worse in damp weather, after midnight, at the seaside, after cold food, with heat and worse for hot drinks.