
The Difference between Homoeopathy and Biochemic Remedies


The fluid part of the blood (i.e. plasma/serum), in which the red and white blood cells are suspended, contains electrolytes. These are twelve salts. According to one school of thought (biochemy), it is the imbalance of these salts which causes disease and every kind of illness can be controlled by maintaining the balance of these salts in the body.  In my opinion, this is only partly true.

The Difference between Homoeopathy and Biochemic Remedies

Biochemy is also called the twelve-tissue remedies. According to this view, there are twelve important chemicals in the blood, which when not properly balanced result in sickness. For perfect health, all the twelve must remain in balance or the person will become ill.  On the other hand, it is well known that certain serious illnesses do not result from an imbalance of the salts, but due to the foreign invasion of killer germs. The diseases, in turn, disturb the balance of the salts which if left uncorrected may prove fatal.  In biochemy, a lot of research has been done as to the diseases treatable with these biochemicals. For example, psychological diseases seem to benefit from Kali Phos and spasmodic conditions from Mag Phos.

 “Bio” means life and “chemic” stands for chemicals i.e. the chemicals essential for the maintenance of life. Silicea is one of them, and although it is not derived from any chemical compound, it is formed from Silicon, a universal constituent of the earth. Everywhere, Silicea alerts the body to react against every kind of foreign invasion. Many homoeopathic remedies are prepared from it in high potencies. In addition to Silicea, all the biochemic medicines are now being routinely and successfully used in potency X and C.Some physicians believe that they can treat all ailments while remaining within the biochemic field and have formed a separate branch of homoeopathy, while most of the homoeopaths also use biochemic medicines

However, it is not essential that the twelve chemicals be out of their normal balance for an illness to be contracted. There are thousands of diseases which develop irrespective of these salts being in balance or otherwise. For example, typhoid and polio attack a person with normal electrolytic balance in the blood. Their treatment with appropriate homoeopathic remedy can cure them as long as the body has some residual strength with which to react.