

Sepia is considered to be ideal for the treatment of women of slender build and narrow pelvis. The body may be rather toughly built. This however is not the only essential feature of a Sepia patient. It is also related to the diseases of the liver and the uterus. Once the symptoms of the disease have become manifest, Sepia may be used even in the absence of the constitution described above. It is important to keep the important symptoms in view, rather than the external appearance of the patient. The specific symptom of Sepia is the absence of sexual desire and lack of the emotions of love and affection, so much so, that an affectionate mother suddenly becomes indifferent to her child as well as her husband. Her social circle begins to shrink. She may even have the tendency to commit suicide, or she may become partially insane. In fact, these conditions develop as a result of having silently suffered over a long period. People around her do not notice it. To them she looks normal. The pressure keeps on building up, only to finally gush out like lava. Now, the patient has a full-fledged Sepia picture. She does not pay attention towards her husband and children, which is the natural result of pressure building up. In fact, she has completely broken down inside and is sick of everything.

In Sepia, the liver is the most affected. Any kind of uterine dysfunction will result in a variety of  omplications, both during pregnancy and after childbirth, which are accompanied by liver dysfunction. She hates everything that in fact she should have liked. The hate and indifference make her feel frightened and this further  aggravates her sickness. Another salient feature of Sepia is the formation of a dark, saddleshaped mark over the bridge of the nose like two wings of a bird. In view of this sign alone, like so many other homoeopaths, I have also treated many patients with Sepia, to no avail. This particular sign is often indicative of liver dysfunction. But Sepia becomes effective only in the presence of liver derangement in a person of Sepia nature. Otherwise, some other remedy will be required. Sepia proves to be very effective in the treatment of the afore-mentioned sensitive type of woman, lacking emotions and showing the typical pigmented mark on the nose and the face. Liver dysfunction ultimately leads to jaundice. Some women, during pregnancy, may develop dark marks on their face. The face loses its healthy glow. In Sepia, this sign may become apparent even without pregnancy. Light Brown specks form with black dots in the centre. This is typical of Sepia. Whitish or light brown spots can also form over the body, indicative of a liver problem. In homoeopathy, these are called liver spots. Brownish yellow spots are indicative of and responsive to Phosphorus and Sepia. White spots can be treated better with Merc Sol or Calcarea Carb, etc.

In Sepia, the patient tends to be constipated, more so during pregnancy. She cannot effectively pass stools, due to the weak propulsive power of the intestines. Such a woman also faces difficulty during childbirth due to the weakness of pelvic and abdominal muscles i.e. she cannot push the child with full force. In the presence of its other symptoms, Sepia will facilitate the birth of the child. If it fails, then Caulophylum and Gelsemium may be helpful.

In Sepia, the stomach feels empty and the patient feels extremely hungry. However, the appetite and weakness do not get better after eating food. If this type of woman also tends to have prolapse of the uterus or weakness of the muscles of the back, then Sepia will offer immediate relief. Sepia has been found very effective in the treatment of vomiting of pregnancy, as long as the patient is that of Sepia. Other characteristic features of Sepia are the vomiting of milky white material and whitish leucorrhoeal discharge. The taste of the mouth and smell are also affected.

Sepia also can be useful in the treatment of herpes if other symptoms of Sepia are also present. Sepia offers immediate relief of headache associated with vomiting of bitter contents. Provided that the patient is of sepia constitution; Sepia can cure every eye condition and most of skin conditions of the patient. Skin diseases, in general are common in many remedies, however if the overall picture is of sepia type then sepia would be useful.

In Sepia like Sulphur, the discharge is purulent and stinky. Nasal secretion is of green colour. Associated degradation of the skin and mucous membranes can also get better with Sepia.  A Sepia patient is mostly constipated. Sometimes, the patient gets diarrhoea, passing lot of whitish sticky mucus. Mucus may also be passed along with hard stools as well as dysentery. The stools smell foul. The associated piles also are very painful. The patient passes blood in the urine. Retention of placenta (after childbirth) can be a source of many serious complications. If Pulsatilla becomes ineffective, then Sepia may help. However, Pulsatilla and Sepia can only be effective before the onset of the infection (i.e. puerperal sepsis). Once the infection  develops, Sulphur and Pyrogenium 200 happen to be the best standard remedy.

During lactation in Sepia woman menstruation usually ceases, while they are irregular in Calc Carb. The vaginal discharge of a Sepia woman is acidic in nature, causing neuralgic pain.  Moderate physical exercise aggravates the symptoms of Sepia while t strenuous exercise offers relief.

In Sepia, the hands and feet tend to be numb. Malarial fever of

unpredictable timing may be made to behave more timely with Sepia therapy. In addition, the diagnosis as to the most appropriate treatment needed may also be established. If the patient is of Sepia constitution then Sepia itself will affect the cure.  The eyesight becomes weak, due to weakness of the eye muscles.  Black spots (floaters) seem to be dancing before the eyes. The eyes become inflamed due to the general weakness and the diseases of the uterus. The eyelids become swollen and baggy. Lumps form behind the ears, near the neck. In some patients, yellow spots may form on the skin. The tongue is coated white. Taste of the mouth is salty. The patient relishes sour things and feels extremely weak and exhausted.  The patient becomes nauseated at the smell of food; more so while lying on the side.