

Sabadilla is renowned for the treatment of persistent sneezes.  Sneezing may occur in the absence of a  nasal cold. Some people are allergic to grass and pollen and contract a violent type of sneezing.  After the sneezing is over, the nose does not run, showing that the cause is not a nasal cold but simply the irritation inside the nose.  Some homoeopaths use Sabadilla in a very low potency. However I have found it useful in 30 potency. The Sabadilla patient is very sensitive to cold, and starts to shiver even when it is not very cold outside. Every cold object aggravates the symptoms. Most of the symptoms of Sabadilla resemble those of Lachesis, such as the pain shifting from the left to the right and the body feeling very cold.

Lachesis itself is the topmost remedy for hay fever, especially in the spring season. Sabadilla is also most commonly employed in the spring season (flowering season). Some people who have an allergy to the scent of flowers can benefit from Sabadilla. However, when the sneezing is due to allergy in the autumn, it will respond better to Allium Cepa. Lachesis is the chronic of Sabadilla, and Alumina that of Allium Cepa. One must remember to use a fast acting remedy for the treatment of a sudden acute illness. When the acute stage has been brought under control, then the long-acting remedies can be used. If a patient exhibits the symptoms of Sabadilla, he must be treated with Sabadilla. Once the patient becomes apparently cured, Lachesis 1000 (the chronic of Sabadilla) must be given without waiting for the next course of the illness. Lachesis 1000 should then be repeated in fifteen days. Thus the patient can be permanently cured. In case Sabadilla and other quick remedies similar to it, do not offer initial relief, then Lachesis may be used. In some patients, it offers rapid relief. In other words, Lachesis is not only used as a chronic remedy, it may occasionally also be used as a quick remedy. At times, just one dose of Lachesis may stop the sneezing immediately. Sneezing is a common symptom in different remedies, so it is important to take a note of other symptoms as well. Mostly, all of the above remedies (Sabadilla, Lachesis, Allium Cepa) seem to work and do not disappoint the treating physician. Sabadilla itself has the capability of treat certain chronic illnesses, like chronic nasal catarrh blocking the nasal passages.  It is very strange that some Sabadilla patients believe that a certain part of their body is extraordinarily large compared to the others. I have also seen such patients, who said that their face was badly swollen, while actually, this was not the case. This symptom is typical of Sabadilla. Based on this symptom, if the patient is treated with Sabadilla, then his other symptoms may also be cured. I remember one such woman patient, declared untreatable according to doctors. She insisted that one of her cheeks was badly swollen. When treated with Sabadilla, her other symptoms also disappeared by God’s grace. When an idea gets riveted in the mind, it helps in identification of the disease and the appropriate remedy. A Sabadilla patient comes to believe that his ribs or legs have become bent or his limbs are wasting; he just cannot forget about it 

The presence of certain strange ideas and superstitions helps in arriving at the proper diagnosis rather easily. In Thuja, the patient believes that he is made of glass and naturally brittle. It is said that one such patient used to walk with utmost care, lest he fell down and broke. He was taken to a psychologist. To make the patient believe that his idea was false, the psychologist slapped him on his face, assuming that he would realise his thinking was wrong. However, the patient fell down and died on the spot. God knows best if this story is true or false. If it is true, then the patient must have been a perfect patient of Thuja! In hay fever, there is a constant irritation inside the throat. The presence of worms inside the intestines produces irritation over or inside the nose, provoking sneezing. No wonder Sabadilla is the useful treatment for intestinal worms. Although Dr. Boericke though did not mention this effect in the chapter on Sabadilla he has mentioned it in his repertory under the heading of remedies for worms. Sabadilla seems to be deadly to worms of the intestines. Persistent itching at the nose, around the lips or at the palate area indicates the presence of worms in the intestines. The projection of the intestinal conditions outwards on the skin is only natural. For example, a stomach upset may show up as blisters in the mouth. Intestinal worms and nasal catarrh can be cured with just one remedy i.e. Sabadilla. Stannum is another good remedy against the intestinal worms, which simply melt away under its effect. The Sabadilla itch is mostly at the palate. Wyethia causes a similar pain at the palate area instead of itching. If the pain at the palate becomes shifted to the back of the throat, provoking a troublesome cough, then Nux Vomica is better. In regard to nasal catarrh Sabadilla behaves like Arsenic, except for the absence of a burning sensation.  There are conditions related to certain homoeopathic remedies, in which the patient feels very hungry while ill. In Sabadilla also, the patient feels very hungry in between sneezing.

In Sabadilla, the patient suffers from dry cough, bellyache and

difficulty in breathing. He does not feel thirsty at all. The Stomach feels empty and there is a craving for sweets. The patient feels better on eating hot food, while cold drinks aggravate the symptoms. There is a feeling of heat, burning and something creeping on the skin. The skin becomes extremely dry and begins to split, especially under the toes. Chronic infection around the toenails is yet another symptom of Sabadilla.
The patient has a feeling of something being stuck in the throat, which he keeps trying to swallow. This is a chronic type of complaint which becomes worse in the cold. The tongue feels as though it is burning.

In Sabadilla, the children tend to suffer from diarrhoea. The abdomen feels as if it is being cut with a knife. Periods are delayed in women, and there is stabbing sensation in the ovaries. The uterus tends to sag downwards, as in many other homoeopathic remedies.