
Diseases of the Reproductive Organs

The treatment of diseases of the reproductive system is very difficult due to the wide range of the diagnostic spectrum. A reader would perceive that every remedy he reads is useful to his patient’s illness.  There are over a hundred remedies related to the functioning of the reproductive system. But except for one or two, the others may not be of any use to the patient. The list of the repertory is as follows:

Abrotanum                                     Kali Bichrom
Agaricus                                         Kali Carb
Agnus Castus                                 Kali Phos
Alumina                                         Kali Sulph
Anagallis                                        Lycopodium
Arsenic Album                               Medorrhinum
Arsenicum Iod.                               Mercurius
Baryta Carb                                     Natrum Mur
Bufo                                                 Natrum Phos
Caladium                                          Natrum Sulph
Calc. Carb                                         Nitric Acid
Calc. Fluor                                        Nuphar Luteum
Calc. Sulph                                       Nux Vomica
Calc. Phos                                        Onosmodium
Camphora                                         Origanum
Cannabis Sativa                                Phosphoric Acid
Cantharis                                           Phosphorus
Capsicum                                           Platina
Causticum                                          Pulsatilla
Chininum Ars                                     Sabina
Clematis                                             Salix Nigra
Coccus Cacti                                      Selenium
Coffea                                                 Sepia
Conium                                               Silicea
Croton                                                Spongia
Cyclamen                                           Staphysagria
Ferrum Phos                                       Sulphur
Fluoricum Acidum                              Tarentula
Gelsemium                                          Thuja
Graphites                                           Tribulus Terrestris
Gratiola                                              Turnera
Hepar Sulph                                      Yohimbinum
Hydrastis                                          Zincum