

Platinum is very famous for the treatment of diseases of arrogant women. However these days, this drug is used less frequently.  Maybe, in the old days there were more arrogant women than now.  Nowadays times have changed, and one rarely finds women who are proud and arrogant i.e. who consider themselves  superior to everyone else. Women belonging to rich families, who are brought up with a silver spoon in their mouth, consider themselves above everyone else.  Such women are a typical example of Platinum constitution. Platinum is by far a more expensive element than gold. It is strange but understandable that Platinum induces an artificial feeling of richness and makes even poor women proud and arrogant.

The Platinum patient thinks himself far superior and of very high

status. He becomes irritated about minor things and despises others.  Considering himself to be the most important person, he remains always fearful of danger to his life. This state of his mind changes him physically also. The patient is always scared that something harmful is going to happen to him.

In a Platinum patient, the heart beats fast, the limbs tremble and soon, fear of death overtakes him. The patient is a religious fanatic. The female patient thinks of herself an alien. All these are the symptoms of insanity, which ultimately leads to more severe form. The sexual trends of Platinum resemble those of Hyoscyamus. The patient has spasm of muscles with convulsions. The convulsions slowly become worse, affecting the muscles. The skin becomes numb. The bleeding is of dark reddish colour. The nose bleeds in the form of dark clots.  There is cramping at the root of the nose, which is very painful. The affected area feels caught in a vice. The patient feels a neuralgic type of pain on the face. The bones feel insensitive.  If the ovaries become inflamed, and the patient has been unable to conceive for a long time and there is heightened sexual urge without any apparent reason, then Platinum may be kept in mind to treat this condition.

If the sterility is due to an excessive leucorrhoeal discharge, then Borax is the remedy of choice. In Platinum, the symptoms of other diseases of the uterus are also found i.e. hardening of the uterus, the tendency to develop fibroids and the downward sagging of the uterus with excessive bleeding. The bleeding is usually dark in colour, with the formation of blood clots. The menstrual bleeding starts before it is due. This symptom is very common. However, if the other symptoms of Platinum are present, then Platinum will prove to be a promptly effective remedy.

Stomach conditions like excessive formation of gas and nausea, are also common in Platinum. The patient feels very uncomfortable and restless. The motions are intermittent and small. The patient feels exhausted.
In Platinum, the symptoms of the disease become worse in the evening and on sitting as well as standing. The symptoms improve with movement and on walking.